...then Play to your Strengths...
The right answer is Sales and Marketing - before any Service or Product can be delivered, someone has to close the deal...
In common with plenty of people, I never really looked forward to the activity known as Making Appointments - otherwise known as Cold Calling or Telemarketing...
There is some bizarre affliction that affect normal sane people as soon as they pick up a telephone and speak to someone they have never met..
Assertive, successful, attractive and confident people are reduced to gibbering idiots when attempting to simply engage a fellow professional in a conversation..
Emotions include;
FEAR - dry mouth and fight or flight reactions...
PANIC - find the exit and lose the ability to speak coherently...
EMBARRASSMENT -apologising for daring to disturb someones day...
AVOIDANCE - finding excuses to never pick up the 'phone in the first place...
It is as if they are getting into the Ring with Tyson, being confronted in Road Rage or speaking in Public; the symptoms of Cold Calling are about the same..
So what can be done...?
In Business, at some time someone has to actually Sell something and to get the opportunity of making the Sale, the Marketing has to deliver Prospects to be Sold to...
But what if you don't like or enjoy making the calls...?
There is an old adage that "Failure Teaches us the best lessons...", and that we should "Work to overcome our weaknesses..." - these are clearly neither true or helpful...
Failure only teaches us the most expensive lessons - this rubbish usually quoted by followers of Thomas Edison when he found a "million ways" that a Light bulb didn't work...
Check out Nikola Tesla if you want someone who actually knew science and got things right; imagine if the A380 didn't fly first time out, or new cars off the production line didn't start first time. We need to engineer success not use the excuse of learning from failure...
Failure is usually quoted by those have never achieved anything of note as an easy justification for why they are so useless - if anyone says that they are "Failing Forwards..." they should be slapped with a large piece of wet fish - twice......
And another Gem...
Pain is just Weakness leaving the Body - no it's not. It is your body telling you to stop doing something before it causes you damage and harm. I know that US Marines and Army types will quote this phrase at every opportunity; try saying this phrase to a Woman during childbirth and I think you just may get a justified poke in the eye...
Rather than overcoming Pain or Weakness - how about we simply find a better way...?
I knew that in order to get Clients I had to meet with people who wanted our services. I could either do it through Telemarketing; overcoming the "Weakness" and breaking through the "Pain" - or by choosing a different strategy...
I chose Networking and Seminars - being on stage in front of dozens of people is for some even worse than making cold calls, but for me it was a viable alternative...
I can do Telesales, I'm even pretty good at it, but I dislike Seminars and Networking less, so that is what I did. Sometimes just choosing something less disagreeable is the best strategy...
In Sales and Business Development - find out what you are good at and enjoy doing, be excellent at it and do it consistently to achieve your results. Rather than overcoming the Weakness, play to your Strength; instead of enduring the Pain of Failure, enjoy the Fruits of Success...
One thing is for sure - doing nothing doesn't work - but you can make a choice of what you can make work for you..
Success has taught me more than Failure ever did...
So I have now come to actually enjoy the process of Sales and Marketing; I have got very good at it too, but only because I made a decision about my personal flavour of Poison...
Business Growth Workshop...
Learn how to build Sales, Profits and Cash in your Business by using these simple Techniques and Strategies...
- The TWO things you MUST do when Marketing a Service...
- The SIX Keys to Persuasion that ALL Entrepreneurs should know...
- How to never have to CLOSE a deal and get them to BUY every time...
- The THREE tactics you HAVE to use to keep Clients for life...
- Why PLANNING is almost USELESS In achieving your Success...
AND - we will be having some fun in the process; if everyone is good, I may even show a couple of Video's too...
Luxembourg - Friday 4th April 2014
Birmingham - Friday 25th April 2014
Places are offered to our Clients first, so there will only be a few places available - so make sure you book immediately; that means now, not tomorrow or next week or come back when you have had the chance to think about it, but RIGHT NOW..
For Luxembourg Click - HERE
For Birmingham Click - HERE