Monday 28 January 2013

The Mosquito Effect...

I remember my dad sharing a 1950’s comic book story with me…

Not sure where it came from or when it was first published, but the outline of the story stayed with me and got me to thinking about everything that is new in technology…
The story goes that at some point in the future a tyrannical regime had overtaken the world and had such amazing technology and weapons that they were believed to be invincible.

The good guys – I will call them the Allies – were trying everything to overcome the regime but their planes and weapons simply could not get through their advanced defences – they were slowly and surely being wiped out.

One of the most devastating weapons operated by the Regime was a radar guided death ray – well it would be wouldn’t it – this death ray was capable of taking out missiles and aircraft in mid-air before they had any chance of hitting the target.

One RAF veteran had a bright idea. He had flown Mosquito aircraft during WW2, and he thought that they could be used again against this modern weapon system – these planes were now out of date, slow and cumbersome compared to the supersonic jets that were currently being used – he was laughed out of the room when he suggested that he lead a squadron of Mosquitoes to destroy the death ray.

As time went on and the Allies lost more men and planes – they had no choice by to turn to the Mosquito pilot for help. They salvaged 12 Mosquito aircraft, trained pilots how to fly them and each one of them was modified to carry a single bomb that could take out the death ray – if they could get through.

The Mosquito was built of wood, it was light, and with two Merlin Engines was in its day the fastest aircraft in the world. It had the ability to fly slowly, and very low leaving a small heat signature.

These planes flew so low and slow that the defences didn’t see them – they were, in effect, in stealth mode. The regime couldn’t see them coming. The mission of course was a success, the good guys won and all was well with the world.

The lesson for me is that sometimes the traditional ways of doing things are more effective than the new ways – for a variety of reasons.
  • Being unique – no one else is doing it so you will stand out
  • Unexpected – there is the benefit of surprise
  • Stealth – no one will see you coming.
  • Crazy – people will think you are nuts – in a good way.

How can we add the Mosquito Effect to life and business…?
  • Stay married to the same person – there is a novelty 
  •  Meet people face to face not on a Webinar…
  •  Keep your promises and be on time…
  • Turn you mobile ‘phone off in a meeting…
  •  Write a letter to someone – not an email…
  •  Stop posting other peoples motivational slogans on Facebook… 
  •  Read books printed on paper…
  • Drive a 20 year old car – not a BMW or Mercedes…
  • Stop chasing the money…
  • Learn a skill that involves making something physical
  •  Get rid of the TV – completely, no excuses – bin it…
     Of course, keep some of the new technology, but don’t discard the old ways completely – they will give you an edge…

1 comment:

  1. Good story. Good lessons. Reading this I could not help from thinking of the "Mosquito sound", a frequency silent to adults but annoying to youth and some animals. Interesting!
    Thanks for sharing this.
