...in B2B Sales this is a must...
There are three main attributes of a growing a business;
1. Competence at Attracting New Prospects and Converting them to Clients...
2. Retention of Clients...
3. Pace of Sales achieved with each Client and the Contribution they make...
All three apply to most companies but #1 is critical in when selling to other Businesses - B2B...
Why is this the case...?
So a great tip is to maintain a "Top 10" list of prospects that need specific attention in order that they become clients...
The Top 10 should only include those people who have taken action towards working with you - the action they take will be dependent on your company, but here are a few indicators that may be helpful..
1. Website Enquiry - if someone takes the time to connect with you or send a message via your website, that is a very good sign. Yes you may have auto responders in place, but people don't buy from auto generated messages; pick up the 'phone and speak with them...
In fact any positive response to any marketing needs a personal response - whether your method is Email, Lumpy Mail, Social Media, or Cold Calling...
2. Networking - I had someone come to me at the end of a presentation and say - "Loved that and I need your help in my business, can you contact me..." she qualifies to go onto me Top 10 List immediately.
Note there are a lot more sellers than buyers at networking events, so if someone simply gives you their card, that does not necessarily qualify...
3. Radar Effect - in an earlier Blog I wrote about how prospects gravitate towards you providing you have enough "touch points" for them to find out more about you. You should be able to get a "feel" for this activity and know when to put people on you list.
Check out the original Blog HERE - finding the G Spot with Radar...
For example in our Business we look for;
- Connecting on Linked In...
- Signing up for Newsletter and Blog...
- Comments on Postings...
- Buying one of my Books...
- Attending an Event...
4. Referrals - any referral goes straight on the list. For two reasons;
First, there is a very high conversion rate from referred leads, and second, out of respect for the person passing the referral in the first place, they should be handled properly...
At the moment, my Top 10 list is actually 14...
The list includes only those people who have taken a positive move towards us and therefore need following up and managing through the process to make sure that they are a good fit - you don't have to take every client that is interested in you, and saying NO is as valid as saying YES sometimes...
It is handwritten - yes we have CRM systems, Autorepsonders and On line Trackers - but I know that my next Client will come to us from this list, and as I am growing my business this is like Gold Dust to me...
I check it daily, and make notes to check that I am up to speed with the next point of contact; if they should be promoted to a Client, or relegated to the Database...
So far, the conversion rate from the Top 10 list to becoming a Client is running at 82%...
The beauty of the list is that it simply keeps your Prospects at front of mind and it makes sure that you in fact have a Top 10 list in the first place...
If you don't have a list, perhaps your Sales Team should..?
So - how strong is your list...?
Do you have at least 10 prospects that can be nurtured...?
Or - does you marketing and Radar activity need improving...?
Someone in your Company should simply be able to predict where your next client is coming from...
Would you like to go onto My Top 10 List...?
Would you like to find out how working with a Business Coach could be the best investment you ever make...?
I know that most people will ignore this offer, my stats tell me that - but for those who don't, and take action towards making their future brighter and more profitable - the rewards are compelling...
My Clients grow their Sales and Profits dramatically, they spend less time in the Business and achieve their personal ambitions and Goals - it's good fun too...
What does Coaching cost...? - nothing if you do what I show you, your business will grow MUCH more than any fees I may charge...
Let's find out if you are ready for a Business Coaching Program - simply drop me a note to davidholland@resultsrulesok.com and lets explore the possibilities...
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