Sunday 10 March 2013

Clients don't WANT you anymore...

Wisdom teeth can be a real pain – and I mean a REAL pain. If you have ever had toothache then you’ll know what I mean...

Waking up in the recovery room following my operation to have four wisdom teeth removed, I wasn’t sure whether I preferred the pain of toothache to what I was experiencing. The nurse gave me some pain killers and I drifted off into sleep.

On the ward when Lynn came to visit she said that I looked as if I’d been 5 rounds with Ali (it was a few years ago…) As the pain killers wore off, and I took a look in the mirror I saw that my forehead was red, my neck was heavily bruised and so was my chest. Apparently there had been some concern that I had a couple of broken ribs.

This all seemed a little odd – I had gone in to have four teeth extracted and come out looking like I had been in a fight. So I asked the Nurse what had happened...
She looked a little nervous but told me that she would come back and explain after visiting hours had ended and there was no one around – I was intrigued…

At 21.30 she returned with a trolley of tools and implements – to explain what actually happened during the operation, and why I was in such a state. The tools included a leather strap, mallet, a pair of pliers and what looked like an adjustable wrench.

Apparently, as soon as I was under the effect of the anaesthetic, my head was strapped to the bed with the leather strap across my forehead, my jaw was dislocated using the mallet and the surgeon pulled my teeth out using the wrench by kneeling on my chest and twisting the impacted roots from around my jaw bone.

Whilst this explained the “injuries” I was not sure I felt better for knowing…

What was certain is that if they had told me that before the operation I may not have gone through with it - sometimes we do this in business with our clients too, we tell them all about our product and service becasue it suits our ego and validates our experience and qualifications in our chosen field - we just scare them off...

The moral to the story is to remember that in business very few people actually want the service we offer – what they want is the RESULT that we enable them to achieve as a consequence. 

We all have a responsibility to make people aware of the possibility that they can be better off in the future when they work with us in the present; this is simply WHAT we do – HOW we do it may be Coaching, Consulting, Warehousing or Manufacturing but the clients don’t care what we do, only what the benefits will be to them.

It’s like when someone has toothache – they don’t WANT a dentist; they want the pain to stop. What they NEED, however, is a dentist – a dentist that sells “freedom from pain” will be more successful than a dentist that sells “drilling and injections”

Our marketing should concentrate on what our clients WANT and our services should concentrate on what they NEED – clients are attracted to WANTS but they may have to endure what they NEED in order to get them

What does your website say about you…?

When you are asked “what do you do..?” – What do you say…?

What is your Job Title on your business card – does it focus on the WANT or NEED of your clients…? 

Does it say Chartered Accountant or Managing Director – or does it say Tax Reduction Magician or Profit Maximiser…?

When we sell the outcomes that our Clients WANT by delivering the products and services that they NEED we become more attractive to prospects, our conversion rate will improve and sales and profits will climb.

Don't sell people what you do - sell them the Result they Want.


After all - Results Rules OK...

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