Thursday 30 May 2013

Keep on T.R.A.C.K ing...

Asking for questions from the audience can be a risky business...

On stage at a conference I was speaking at, before I started, I asked what questions people had, and what content would give them value from the next two hours...

"Can you take us through the basic steps of building a business, without any of the fluff and  bullshit that most Speakers waffle on about...?"

I looked around the room and found that everyone was nodding and agreeing with the sentiment - this had to be down to earth, practical and straight forwards...

So we had a discussion about my T.R.A.C.K model of building any business, they loved it and I didn't get lynched - so I thought I'd share the principles with you...

T - Target

What is your target market...?

Be absolutely clear what customers you want to attract to your business, find out who they are, what they do, where they live, what car they drive; then you can send messages to them through your Marketing that will make sense to them and encourage them to work with you or buy from you. Find out how they communicate, and what needs they have that they will actually pay for - then build your products and services accordingly.

R - Relationship

Build a Relationship before they buy from you...

People buy emotionally, they buy from people the Know, Like and Trust. We are not in the business of building a Brand, we are in the business of building a reputation, and through our Above the Line Marketing we can build this reputation so that when people contact your business the relationship is already in place and they are ready to buy.

A - Attract

You are in the Marketing Business too...

Marketing is a process not an event. The only purpose of Marketing whether it be Above or  Below the Line, is that it gets the 'phone to ring or generates the email or click through on the website. Attracting people to buy what may be an invisible intangible service means making it appear more tangible and visible, the quality of your attraction strategy will not only define your conversion rates, but the rate of growth of your business.

C - Close

And you are in the Selling Business too...

When you get the first three right, selling is easy because you will only be speaking with people who actually want to buy. But you have to have a process of selling from the way the initial contact is handled through to collecting the cheque. Remember, marketing is really expensive if you don't close the prospects and enable them to become customers; be unique, be the most expensive, but Always Be Closing...

K - Keep

Long term customers are profitable customers...

When you have a great customer, make sure you keep them. Have customer service that is amazing, continually offer great value that exceeds their expectations, encourage referrals and most of all keep the relationship strong. Your customers came to you because they felt the Knew, Liked and Trusted you - prove them right every time and they will keep coming back and bring like minded people with them.

So, there you have it - "the basic steps of building a business, without any of the fluff and  bullshit that most Speakers waffle on about..."

Have a great week - look forward to your comments...

Check out our website at 

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