Tuesday 11 June 2013

What a Tin of Gloss Paint can teach us about Success…

Before we get started, please do the following exercise…
In your mind think of the last THREE digits of your telephone number and write them down…

Now, answer this question and choose your answer from the options given;

In which year was Genghis Khan born…?

  1. 1312
  2. 878
  3. 1285
  4. 1162

Which answer did you choose...?

Did you go for the second answer – 878…?

If you did then it is likely that there was a reason for it. When I asked you to think of the last three digits of your telephone number, you were being “primed” to think in patterns of 3, so when there was uncertainty regarding the next task, you were attracted to the three digit date not a four digit date.

The correct answer is 1162, but unless you actually knew that, you may have been drawn to 878; and until now, you had no idea why…

We are all primed for something, the challenge is always that while we believe we are acting, choosing and deciding with free will, in reality our choices and decisions are being made for us by our subconscious mind way before we have any apparently conscious choice in the matter.

Priming happens from the moment we are born and continues through school, college and on into life; we are always making decisions based on our experiences. Our past does in fact dictate our future, and the future decisions we make can be predicted based upon the previous suggestions and experiences we have allowed our subconscious to register.
Of course, we don’t call it our subconscious – we call it intuition or instinct. 

We believe that we have an innate gift to choose what is best for us based on “gut instinct” or “feelings”. We are all guided by our subconscious mind, and yet we choose we continue to live behind the false and transparent shroud of free will in the belief that we are in control of our decisions and destiny.

So how can we fix this…?

In my role as a Coach, I challenge people’s choices, beliefs and assumptions in order that they can make better quality decisions. Essentially, I see things that they don’t; I have been “primed” in a different way to them.

This doesn’t mean I know any better than they do, just that I know different than they do and can offer an alternative view or choice that could deliver them a better result. 

I would also encourage people to check what they are being “primed” with…

Are you being “primed” with negative news stories, the limited aspirations of those around you, the voice inside your head that tells you that you are not good enough or not worthy…?

I saw an advert for a brand of gloss paint, and it said that it was “Self Priming” and that no base coat or undercoat was required; this is what we need to become – Self Priming

We can choose what messages we allow into our minds, we can choose to make them positive, nurturing and encouraging so that we "prime" our subconscious to make a better quality of choice on our behalf.  We can “Self Prime” for success by reading, learning and associating with people who inspire us rather than conspire against us.

Your subconscious mind is will do exactly what it is told to do, believing that it is acting in your best interests; the opportunity we have is that we can take back our Free Will by simply choosing what we allow our subconscious mind to absorb and hence become Self Priming, if it works for a tin of paint, it may just work for us too...

You can also find out what the benefits of working with me as your Coach would be by simply dropping me an email to arrange a time to talk. davidholland@resultsrulesok.com
Or come along to one of our events to start your Self Priming journey – you could simply allow your subconscious to talk you out of it of course – but now you know different…

Click on the LINK to check out our Events Page – see you there…


  1. I picked 1285 because my previous experience told me that the answer is rarely the high or low answer giving me a 50 / 50 chance at the right answer but I went for the wrong 1 :) just thought I'd share how my minds programmed.

  2. Thanks Richard - most people go for the Three Digit number, but they don't know why...

    I like your logic - remember it is still a pattern that you have been primed with soemewhere...

    Cheers - good to be connected..

    Best Regards

