...providing you stick to them...
I was fortunate; I had bosses who saw something in me, they trusted me, gave me opportunities and I delivered results...
Lots of other people are equally lucky; they too get promoted, paid more and earn bonus...
Throughout my career I was the youngest Manager, youngest at college, first to get promoted - I figured it was just that I was lucky, until I started to employ other people to work alongside me, then I started to realise what the difference actually was...
Hint #1 - it wasn't luck or just good fortune...
From the age of 4 until I was 16, I had been working in the family business; my dad owned a small chain of shops in and around Birmingham in the UK...
No - it's not me in the picture, its 1910 and my Great Grandfather and Grandfather are though...
My jobs included, sweeping up, staking shelves, making the tea, and even serving the customers; I progressed to boiling beetroot in an old top loader washing machine, "dressing Turkeys.." - not in fancy dress either - and moving vehicles around the yard...
I could clean windows with vinegar and newspaper, drive just about any truck, and add up lists of numbers in my head with total accuracy..
Over the years I learned that there was no "clocking off" we stayed until the job was done, we didn't go sick unless we were ill, and how to have fun working with team mates and customers alike..
I also learned that if we didn't work we didn't eat - simple...
As my career developed, I took these early lessons with me into my career, first working for other people and then for myself within my own companies; in hindsight it was these early lessons that enabled me to build my career.
In my work now I see lots of amazing bright people who have qualifications, smart 'phones and German saloon cars (usually grey or black...) who come into the world of work anticipating fast tracks to the corner office, six figure and seven figure salaries and of course the title and position to satisfy their ego...
But they don't get promoted, they get left behind frustrated in the commercial office or fumbling around in the Marketing department, and eventually leaving to move on because "promises weren't kept..."
For others it's different, somehow they get promoted, invited to meetings and offered opportunities; so what is going on, what's the difference between them...?
Hint #2 - it's nothing to do with qualifications either...
The difference is that they instinctively apply the 7 Rules of Getting Promoted; at least in my experience they do...
So here they are...
- Say Yes to Opportunities; then show up and do what ever it takes to achieve the objectives...
- Consistency; even predictable mediocrity will beat random feats of excellence, deliver certainty...
- Drama; leave the drama at home and apply yourself to the job in hand consistently,...
- Service; we are all in the customer service business. Behave as if your clients can see you all the time...
- Honesty; be the person that can be trusted with the money, keys, wives and husbands. Make this your USP...
- Loyalty; to the company and the people, always support and defend them in public and in private...
- Politics; don't do them. There are some socio-paths in business too, avoid them and don't participate...
- Over Deliver; volunteer, do more than your job specification, deliver a wow factor in all you do...
If you have to ask why there are 8 not 7 - just re read # 8 again...![](https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/p/3/005/0a0/0c6/1307f51.png)
Now, whilst strictly, the application of these rules doesn't "guarantee" promotion, they will guarantee that you get a better result than if you choose to ignore them...
Final lesson...
Some people are a***oles and don't deserve your attention or consideration..
I thought I was pretty good at these 7 Rules, and in reality I was, but it didn't prevent me getting fired by the Chairman of a company some years ago too...
Clearly he was an idiot; but I am slightly biased...
Clearly he was an idiot; but I am slightly biased...
So another lesson; being great isn't always good enough for some people, be prepared to move on when you have too.
Failure is always an option as a stepping stone to greatness...
Have a great week...
PS - the cute puppy picture was just to get your attention...
PS - the cute puppy picture was just to get your attention...
David Holland MBA is the Founder and CEO of Results Rules OK, a Business Coaching, Training and Publications Company with offices in France, Luxembourg and the UK...
If you'd like to come to one of our Events to meet David, the Team and some of his Clients, then check out the website HERE - we look forward to seeing you and hearing from you...
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