When was the last time you came across a great opportunity...?
Could have been a Business, Personal or Financial Opportunity; doesn't really matter...
What did you do with it...?
There is a "process" or a system that we tend to use when it comes to evaluating opportunities that are presented to us...
t's called the R.E.L.A.T.E Decision Model and here's how it works...
Imagine a Pipe with a series of filters positioned inside - as a fluid is passed
through the pipe, each filter removes and retains impurities from the fluid so that the fluid that comes out of the pipe is different to that which goes in...
Imagine a Pipe with a series of filters positioned inside - as a fluid is passed
In the Pipe, you can choose the type and quality of filters that such that the end product is as required each time.
The filters need replacing and cleaning from time to time, but in principle this is a continuous system that produces results with certainty and predictability...
This is the principle behind the R.E.L.A.T.E Decision Model...
Now imagine the same pipe, a pipe into which Opportunities are fed rather than fluid, again there are a number of filters inserted that will process the opportunity as it flows along the pipe...
Now imagine the same pipe, a pipe into which Opportunities are fed rather than fluid, again there are a number of filters inserted that will process the opportunity as it flows along the pipe...
The filters are in a particular sequence and work like this...
Filter # 1 Recognition - as an opportunity presents itself, we have a Recognition Filter. This filter removes anything we don't recognise as being an opportunity; it is so effective that we don't even see most of the opportunities that present themselves to us, we simply ignore them or pretend they don't apply to us.
The filter rejects anything that we don't feel we deserve, or are not "ready" for. Whilst on the one hand it is a defence mechanism against scams and fraud, if it is turned up to high, it means that nothing will get through and all opportunities will be avoided regardless of how good they are.
Filter # 2 Emotion - if an opportunity gets through we emotionally decide to accept it or reject it. Our emotions are defined by our beliefs, values and experience, so this is a tough one for any opportunity to get past.![](https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/p/3/005/0a1/16f/222c79d.png)
Here, we will delete ideas, principles and people that don't fit with our view of the world; it is where we lock ourselves inside our comfort zone of the familiar and reject anything that we don't like the "feel" of, or anything that may mean we actually need to change...
Filter # 3 Logic - even if we are emotionally attached to an opportunity, we always look for logical evidence to support our initial emotional acceptance. This is the voice in the back of our heads preaching caution and warning you about the risks associated with taking up any opportunity.
This is where we look for evidence; have others done it, what is the track record, where are the testimonials and feedback from others that have gone first. This is an attempt for us to balance our right brain and left brain, bringing both logic and emotion into harmony so we feel that the risk is acceptable.
Filter # 4 Advice - we look to others to agree with our decision to "go for" the opportunity. Finding out what others would do in the same situation is a great way of sharing the responsibility with others should you decide to say yes to the opportunity that has presented itself.![](https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/p/2/005/0a1/16e/3563d14.png)
The advice can simply be in our heads "what would Mom say..?.." or from other people in our network - the challenge is that people in our immediate network have the same paradigm as we do, similar filters so we may not get "impartial" advice, just a validation the voices of our parents in our heads.
Filter # 5 Thinking - given all the evidence, we "think" about the opportunity that has got this far. We weigh up the advice and guidance we have received so far and attempt to come to an "informed" decision.
We have another word for this filter - it's called Procrastination and is one of the toughest filters any opportunity has to get through. We all have the opportunity to lose weight, get fit, earn a degree, write a book - they may pass all the other filters, but this one means that nothing will actually happen.
Filter # 6 Excite - once we have "permission" to say yes to an opportunity on the basis of our other filters, we still need to pass it through the "excitement" test. If we don't feel excited about the opportunity, then we will just say no...
Opportunities that don't serve us or excite us will get deleted here; if dropping a dress size passes all the tests but the consequence of achieving it is dull and boring, there is little perceived value applied to it and therefore it will be discarded.
How long does the process take...?
It can take a split second - impulse buying or love at first sight...
Or it can take a lifetime - waiting for the right moment, until the children have left home, until we have enough time and money...
How to manage the System..
The first stage is to recognise that there is a process involved with making choices and deciding on opportunities - look at the filters you are using and consider if they are serving you, or are they being too "efficient" and "over protective" so that even if you see an opportunity; you stay safe and always say no, just to be sure...
Is it time for a filter change...?![](https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/p/2/005/0a1/16e/2689642.png)
For 2015 would you like to have more opportunities presented to you and be able to capitalise on them..?
So here's your first test and "filter check"...
I'm giving the Opportunity to 10 Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Executives to have a FREE Coaching Session with me..
It is quite painless, it will take around 1 hour over the telephone, and there is no obligation to buy anything, spend any money or take any risks of any sort...
Of course, we may just hit it off and find that working together with me as your Coach is a great idea...
So - how are your filters performing now...?
If we have got past Filter # 1 - just drop me a note here or to my personal email address - davidholland@resultsrulesok.com and I can make the arrangements...
Is it possible that this is one Opportunity that you can say yes too..?
I look forward to hearing from you; have a great week...
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