...a Business without it's people is just a building with a pile of paper, computers & furniture stored in it...
The quality of your people defines the quality of your service, your rate of growth levels of profit and reputation in the market...
How come, people are creative, productive and professional - until they come and work for you...?
Simple - you got it wrong...
So how can we take the guess work out of finding the right person...?
Here's a checklist that may be helpful...
1. Vision and Mission - are these clear in your business...?
The Vision and Mission should be so much more than a dusty piece of A4 signed by the Chairman back in 1994...
They should represent the DNA of your company - define why you exist and the difference you are going to make in the world...
When these are simply "how you do things" in your company it will either attract or repel people - which is exactly what you want.
2. Be Clear on the Person You want - sounds obvious...
People get hired on their skills and experience but fired on their attitude and behaviors. I would much rather hire a great attitude and train them, than an educated, experienced person who is a pain in the backside...
Specify the traits, behaviors and conduct that is expected - define the Personality type using DiSC or similar, and remember; attitude does not improve after the 90 Day Trial period...
3. Get good at Interviewing - so many people suck here...
Ask great questions, engage them and invite them to impress you. I was with a client once where he asked a candidate "what weaknesses do you have...?"
To which he replied - honestly...
"Blondes and Jack Daniels..."
The interview is only part of the selection process - make you process robust. If you don't know what you are doing, ask for help...
4. Respond - to every application...
Remember what it was like going for a job...?
The worst part is not hearing back - and telling people not to expect to hear back is just a cop-out. Respond to every application and if someone doesn't make it, let them know. They may be working at your clients office next and return the favour...
Or as happened to a colleague - the woman he brushed off at interview, became his boss at another company - it wasn't pretty and he didn't last long...
5. Follow Through - with your promises...
The number of times I have been told that the reason people leave jobs s because promises were not kept...
Treat your Employees well - they will treat you well and more importantly, they will treat you clients well too. Give them training, support and motivation - if you have got the process right they will respond with enthusiasm and loyalty..
Remember, saying NO to all applicants can be the best strategy - never hire someone who is the best of a bad bunch..
You wouldn't choose who to Marry like that - why would you hire someone that way...?
Why should you contact me...?
Simple - you will be better off with me as your Coach than you are without me.
I will expect and encourage you to achieve more than you think possible, you will love me some days and hate me the next. I will take away your excuses and replace them with achievement; and on the way we'll have more fun than should be allowed in Business...
So, if you think you're ready - drop me an Email...
If you think you're not - then it makes no difference what you do...
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