...how you look will determine your success...
This adage is pushed around like an piece if ancient folklore - and while there is a a grain of truth in it, there is more folklore than fact when it comes to what to wear in business...
First - obvious but worth reinforcing...
Be clean and well groomed - personal hygiene is a must for making a positive impression It doesn't matter if you have long hair, short hair, tattoos a beard or are totally bald - and that's just the women...
Be freshly turned out, look like your "look" is by design and not by mistake and you will gain credibility...
What should you wear...?
In sales you should wear a navy blue suit with white shirt / blouse red or gold tie / scarf with black polished shoes, Rolex watch and Mont Blanc pen...
Picture Credit - Esquire
Carry your leather briefcase in your left hand so you can shake with the right, eat a mint before each meeting and don't fart in the sales meeting...
The technical term for this is - Masquerading...
At the risk of experiencing the wrath of the image gurus and style consultants - if you need to hide behind a mask of polyester, you are not being as visible and credible.
People buy from people not suits, they buy on the basis of trust and confidence not brand congruence in choice of watch - they buy value and results not a glossy promise of Stayprest and wrinkle free fabrics..
Wear what defines your brand and style...
I work with CEO's and Managing Directors f global companies, across to to The world finest Martial Artists, Recruiters and Entrepreneurs...
What do I wear - Jeans, cowboy boots, Polo Shirt....
I remember being challenged before a presentation -
"Are you really going on stage dressed like that...?"
To which I replied
"How good do you think I have to be to dress in jeans and a T shirt to go on stage in front of all these people..?
What I meant was that I knew I had to overcome the prejudice in the room - I had to be twice as good as any other speaker who was booted and suited. I had nowhere to hide, the real me had to be present and give 100% value or else I was screwed...
Same applies to Coaching, Networking and Selling - if I go to an event I will be the only person out of a suit - this puts some people off (good I don't want to work with them anyway...) but it also attracts some curious souls too - who is this weirdo, how confident must he be to dress like that - he is either Brilliant or Crazy...
Probably a bit of both if the truth be told...
What I have learned...
If you are confident about what you can deliver, have a passion for what you do and can inspire those around you with your energy, ability and spirit - wear what you like, be consistent with your own values brand and identity...
If you aren't get a designer suit, white shirt red tie etc. and hide behind it like all the other clones do and be judged as no better or different from them...
Picture Credit - Stylekew
I also drive a 22 year old Renault to Sales and Networking events and have great fun parking it next to the Audi, BMW and Mercedes brigade...
So what does this mean...?
It means boys and girls that you have to take the risk of being different, dare to share the real YOU with people, share your personality and style combined with your authentic professional aura...
It also means that you will attract the people you deserve and desire to work alongside you with and for you and as clients...
You are so right David. Spot on!! I've been in banking for 30 years. Most often dressed up in a suite. Did it make me feel smarter and do a better job? Hardly. But I sure did look great....! :-) The suite provided kind of a protection shiled and justified myself talking about investments. I can assure you that what my clients appreciated was not my nice suits....