...you get the children you deserve...
Same goes for the people we attract and develop as employees and colleagues in our companies.
Sitting with a Business Owner over a coffee, he was telling me how tough business is for him. Sales are down, his competition are screwing his margins and his team are unreliable, uninterested and unproductive...
"Why is that...?"
"I don't know...."
Hmmmmm - so I thought I'd try a better question...
"Why do you do what you do....?"
Laughing - "Well it pays the rent...."
So hands up who feels inspired to work for a business who's only "WHY" is to pay the rent...?
People want inspiring, they need a reason to work, a purpose the contribute to; then they will achieve amazing things...
The old cliches of Vision and Mission statements, are unfortunate, but if I know WHY I am doing something it simply makes more sense, I am motivated to contribute and excited to participate fully - not go sick and be late twice a week...
In 1982, as a young engineer, I volunteered to be part of a special projects group. Our job was to produce and test weapons for the UK Military. Our Team leader told us that Argentina had invaded the Falklands and our lads would be going down there to "have a chat with them..." - and they needed our help to get things ready...
With that as our "purpose" the whole team simply got on with it, we knew what we had to do, when it had to be done by and how important it was. Literally, lives depended on it...
Management is easy - it's about numbers, productivity and efficiency. It's about hitting the quarterly targets, doing "more with less" (euphemism for work harder and stop bitching...) and hitting budget.
Leadership is hard - it's about inspiring people to do with ease more than they think possible, it's about empowerment, trust and engagement. I will work for a Manager because they pay me; I will follow a leader because I believe in them...
So how do we translate this level of motivation to our Teams...?
Here's my top 5 Leadership Skills for Managers...
1. Purpose - be clear on what the "WHY" is, what is the objective, and why is it important. Give people something to "buy into" and they will become engaged and enthusiastic almost overnight.
2. Passion - you need to believe in the purpose, otherwise you can't be passionate. If you're not, then you are in the wrong job. Ambivalent management is the curse of business and commerce, you are not there to get a Salary, you're there to make a difference.
3. Nurture - your job is to lead and inspire not threaten and "manage". Look after your team as you would your own, loyalty is reciprocal. Remember you are a part of the Team, you may be the leader but Ego and Status don't count for Jack.
4. Discipline - when you are clear on the "WHY" you will only attract those people that buy in to what you are doing, others will find it repellent. If anyone you select detracts or undermines the Team, hold them to account and remove them if necessary.
5. Reward - pay is called compensation for a reason. It's paid to people to put up with poor conditions and bad management. It is an excuse for managers to be bad at what they do - they will do what I tell them because I pay them, is not good enough anymore.
6. Over Deliver - surprise everyone with doing more, delivering more and exceeding the expectations of your team and they will enable you to do the same for your Clients...
How good would you have to be to get people to work with you for no money...?
What level of Purpose, Vision and Passion would you need to display...?
Then, the money you payslip simply becomes a "Thank You Note" not a Compensation Statement...
So when you see a Manager moaning about their Team, ask them about their "Purpose" and see what they say...
Why should you contact me...?
Simple - you will be better off with me as your Coach than you are without me.
I will expect and encourage you to achieve more than you think possible, you will love me some days and hate me the next. I will take away your excuses and replace them with achievement; and on the way we'll have more fun than should be allowed in Business...
So, if you think you're ready - drop me an Email...
If you think you're not - then it makes no difference what you do...
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Places available at our Get More Clients, Customers and Students Workshop in October and November 2014; bring your Team along and learn how to grow your Business- click on your preferred Location below...
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