Sunday 7 September 2014

Two Words that will Kill Your Business...

...when you or your Team say them...

There are a couple of word that have the potential to cripple and kill your business faster than just about anything else...

I hear them used in conversations, sales meetings, team discussions and negotiations; they are particularly prevalent with the newly qualified  BA, BSc or even MBA...

They are the first line of defence with Managers that are out of their depth, or Business Owners who have a misguided belief that the experience they have had over the last 20 years is all they need to be successful in the next 20...

So what are these two Killer Words...?

I Know...

The truth of it is that none of us know what we don't know - so there is plenty of scope for improvement and learning new techniques and skills...

But these words get dropped into phrases and conversations in business and commerce every day - and people actually believe them too...

In the stages to learning and achievement there are a number of distinct stages..

In the 1970's this model was developed - not by Maslow - but by Noel Burch of Gordon Training International.

Lets start with Unconscious Incompetence - we don't know what we don't know...

People in this situation may have plenty of skills and experience, but they believe that what they have is all they need - I know all I need to know...

This mindset blocks any opportunity for learning and development - patterns include not reading or attending workshops, not asking questions or researching for new ways to do things...

Next we have Conscious Incompetence - we are aware that we don't know all the answers.

People here start to look for knowledge, ask question and research possibilities for improvement and development; their Egos have not been allowed to get in the way of them reaching out for help and guidance.

Imagine learning to drive a car for the first time, as soon as you sit in the seat and look at all the pedals and dials - you instantly become Consciously Incompetent...

Then comes Conscious Competence - we know what we know, where we have a skill but we have to think and concentrate in order to use it effectively.

In car driving terms, we know where the clutch and indicators are - we have knowledge - but we have to think about them consciously as we drive.

At this stage, whilst we have the knowledge, we don't have the skill to be truly effective. For example, I know how to play chess, but my skill levels are too low for me to actually be any good...

Finally we have Unconscious Competence - we don't know that we know. As we practice we get better, it is a key human trait that the more we do something the more proficient we get at it.

At this stage we can do things on autopilot. we act and behave without actually thinking about it. This is where competent professionals are able to "make it look so easy" to the rest of us; not because they are any better than we are, just that they have had more practice.

If you have been driving for a few years, I bet you can get in, start the engine, put your seat belt on and pull away without actually looking at the controls - some do it without the mirrors too...

So what...

Clearly for many of the tasks and jobs we have to do, being Unconsciously Competent has it's benefits and the most successful people in the world have a range of activities they can carry out this way...

In addition to being here - perhaps 80% of the time - we need to avoid where possible the first level; Unconscious Incompetence and get comfortable with being Consciously Incompetent, realising that there are things we simply don't know and begin to learn them as we continue to develop.

So when you hear these phrases, watch out, they are people locking themselves in to the destructive and deadly first level;

I know how; we have always done it that way...

I don't need a Coach, I know enough already...

That'll never work; I know because we tried it years ago...

I'm a professional with an MBA; I know you can't teach me anything...

In the end, they will kill your business...

See if you Qualify for one of My Coaching Programs...

If you'd like to find out more about how working with a Business Coach will be the best investment you ever make - drop me a note to

You can even come along to one of our events, meet the team and some of our Clients and find out for yourself just how effective Business Coaching will be for you...

Click on the LINKS to find out more...

Birmingham - Friday 17th October 2014

Luxembourg - Friday 7th November 2014

If you don't think you could transform your business and your results by working with one of the Top Coaches in the Business, or simply can't be bothered to attend a One Day Workshop to find out more - then clearly you don't need contact me; in fact nothing you do will work so probably best if you give up now...

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