...or is it just some old 1990's myth...?
Sat in the front row of the 200 person audience, I was looking forward to hearing the speaker give me some pearls of wisdom that would enable me to - in his words..
"Supercharge My Career..."
I was in my late twenties and was a bright and enthusiastic Operations Manager with a national Manufacturing and Logistics company and was keen to learn the - his words again..
"Secrets of Career Success and Achievement..."
The music started and the lights went up, while onto the stage strode the presenter in a beautiful suit, shiny shoes and a fancy watch complete with his success grade hairstyle and sunbed complexion...
He stood silently looking a the audience and simply said...
"What car do you think I drive...?"
Eager participants called out Mercedes, Porsche, Ferrari...
"and how much did my suit cost...?"
More eager beavers called out £1,000, £2000...
"And that my friends is the secret to your Career Success and Achievement; if you want to get ahead, you have to look the part before you get the part - you gotta fake it 'til ya make it..."
Only problem was, he had made his money to buy the suit, from simply telling other people that they should buy a similar one; snake oil springs to mind...
At that time I was married with a toddler and a new born baby at home, big mortgage and approximately £50.00 week disposable income...
Arriving home, I explained to Lynn that in order for me to be truly successful in my career, I needed to buy a Porsche 911 and a Gucci Suit with a Rolex watch and a pair of Lobb Shoes...
I could tell she was impressed...
"I think you should stop spending your money listening to Bull$£%t and get on with the job you've got rather than the job you want to have...
Bit harsh...
Unsurprisingly, the Porsche didn't arrive, neither did the suit nor the shoes and watch. What did happen was that I did a really god job for the company I worked for, spent some time at Night School getting my MBA - and got promoted and head hunted until Lynn and I set up our own business a few years later...
Scroll forwards to 2014...
Much prettier than the 911 I'm sure you'll agree...
Dressed in my favourite Cowboy boots, black jeans and polo shirt I get prepared to deliver the presentation from one of my latest books. Before I go on, the organiser approaches me and asks if I'd like to get changed...
Picture Credit - www.autoplenum.de
Probably thinking along the lines of Gucci, Lobb and Rolex...
I declined and gave a great performance with rave reviews and sales confirmed...
So - Does Your Car Define Your Career...?
Let me think - err NO...
What defines your career is your ability to add value, achieve objectives and deliver results. Throughout my career I have been to Board Meetings, Client Meetings and Union Meetings dressed in exactly what I feel like - and driving a range of vehicles from Kit Cars, to Sports Cars, Motorbikes to Pushbikes.
Don't get me wrong, I like nice cars, suits and watches - and Lobb shoes are truly the best in the world...
But they should not define the person wearing them, they should only enhance that which is already excellent...
Some of the most successful people I know - and I know a few - dress well but casually and drive whatever car they choose. A particular 1980's Saab and 1970's MGB spring to mind...
If you have to hide behind Mr Gucci, Rolex, Lobb and Porsche in the hope that they catapult you to "Supercharge Your Career..."- you are either mistaken or in the wrong job; or perhaps both...
If someone is judging you on what you wear and drive - if they employ you, leave; and if they are your clients, get some better ones...
It's the Results Stupid...
Why should you contact me...?
Simple - you and your team will be better off with me as your Coach than you are without me.
I will expect and encourage you to achieve more than you think possible, you will love me some days and hate me the next.
I will take away your excuses and replace them with achievement; and on the way we'll have more fun than should be allowed in Business...
So, if you think you're ready - drop me an Email...
If you think you're not - then it makes no difference what you do...
Next Events...
Places available at our Get More Clients, Customers and Students Workshop in October and November 2014; bring your Team along and learn how to grow your Business- click on your preferred Location below...
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