...as a species we've reached a Tipping Point...
For some time I've had an uneasy feeling - Lynn told me it was my age, and she is always right - but even so, the feeling or instinct simply won't go away...
Picture Credit - BBC
This picture of the Muir Glacier in Alaska shows two images separated by 100 years
At time of writing there are around 7.25 Billion people on the Planet, so far this year; it is now the 1st September 2014, there are an additional 54 million people compared to 2013.
Every day an extra 223,000 people join us on the planet...
Ref -www.worldometers.info
Coupled with this, of course, is the rise of technology which enables us to feed, clothe and sanitise the increasing population - thank goodness for Monsanto...
And here is the problem...
Individually we want to be able to recycle our plastic bottles, use our "bag for life" as we shop at our air-conditioned hypermarket and have 24 hour access to buy just about anything we desire delivered to us the next day by drones..
We demand connectivity to everyone on the planet through the web, that we access through our mobile device or view on our 52" curved screen TV...
AND - we want Tigers and Whales, Cod and Chips, Panda and Elephant...
Sounds great...
Collectively, however, something doesn't seem quite right. As a species we are now the dominant force on the planet. Earth is simply becoming a host to support the human population...
We are entering the Anthropocene - a time when humans dictate the future of the planet as the dominant species upon it...
Humans are evolving, not individually but collectively. We are beginning to act as one single organism, behaving like a swarm. Individually passive and concerned with the well being of the Earth and our fellow humans, whilst collectively being the most destructive force the planet has ever known...
Imagine a single locust, it can eat a some vegetation but alone it is no threat, there is more than enough vegetation to go round and it has no discernible individual effect on the crop or plant on which it depends...
Now get a swarm of Locust - 7.2 Billion of them, growing by 223,000 a day, acting and behaving as one mass. Collectively they devour whole crops and devastate entire areas.
Welcome to Earth...
If we were to interview one of the Locust - he would simply say that he is eating to survive and look after his family, they would all say that...
It's not what we do as individuals that makes any real difference, it's our involuntary behavior as part of the swarm that causes the damage.
Our evolution towards this new Species is almost complete. The more interconnected we become, the more like a swarm we behave. The more we individually demand freedom and wealth, the more we depend on the swarm to deliver it to us.
Imagine a world so completely connected that information, ideas and actions flow instantly across continents. Our species will be able to behave as a single massive organism, individual freedom will be absorbed by the collective mass, and that which doesn't serve the swarm will be discarded.
And here is the rub...
The prophets of the New World Order, the conspiracy theorists and fringe nut cases will all be proven right.
The New World Order will not be a Super Government, or dominant Power - it will simply be our ability to behave as a single organism, controlled by that which it depends on for survival.
Control of the Swarm will be by simply infecting it with information - like a virus, if 10% of the Swarm can be infected with an idea or virus, then the rest will follow. Control will rest with those people or corporations that influence the inputs to the swarm.
The Swarm will believe whatever it is told and respond accordingly - who ever controls the inputs, equally controls the outputs...
Think here of Global Corporations, Governments and Religious Organisations - although not Globally Democratically elected - they have influence on the Swarm and the individuals within it...
If any individual, organisation or movement goes against the Swarm then the Swarm will turn on them and eradicate the threat. Religious, political and social diversity will not be tolerated - the more cohesive we become the more homogeneous we need to be.
For evidence of this simply look at what happened to Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and the Occupy Movement; the Swarm turned on them and what did we do...?
We sat and watched it on our Global Media enabled mobile devices whilst drinking our Skinny Latte sat in our air conditioned coffee shops with Free Wifi connecting us to the collective - and shared it on Twitter while we got on with our lives...
What is the future...
The optimist will say that connectivity of the Swarm will improve the planet through the achievement of the common goals of security and sustainability - we are all in the same boat and common sense will prevail...
The pessimist will say that we are doomed - the lessons of Easter Island have not been learned and our Swarm is heading for a self inflicted apocalypse...
No one really knows, we are entering uncharted territory. My belief, and hope is that there are enough voices of reason and balance among us that can infect the swarm with ideas and principles to enable sustainability to be achieved.
The free thinkers and positive radicals who rage against the machine will likely be our salvation - so get along to see David Ike, watch your Abraham Hicks video's and connect with the other like minded people who need you.
We have the opportunity to influence the behavior of our Swarm like never before, not as individuals but as collective groups, feeding creative ideas and principles into the collective at a level of momentum that encourages change.
If we don't do it from a point of positivity and sustainability, we leave control open to the radicals, corporations and roaming gangs of extremists..
The Swarm may be real, but our ability to positively influence it has never been higher...
David is part of a Global Community of Positive Activists - those who think, create and behave in ways that will improve the lives of others, whilst seeking to influence them towards a practical and sustainable future...
He doesn't like being told what to do or think either...
If you feel the same way, or can contribute to the discussion, leave a message and get connected...
David can be contacted at davidholland@resultsrulesok.com
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