Wednesday 21 August 2013

Official Health Warning – for Sales Professionals...

The Fregoli Delusion affects 68.3% of Sales People…

The Fregoli Delusion, is a rare disorder in which a person holds a belief that different people are actually the same person, who just change their appearance or appear in a variety of disguises.

People suffering from this condition, regularly believe that they are being persecuted by the person they perceive to be in disguise.

Detailed research has shown that 68.3% of Professional Sales People are afflicted with this condition; the symptoms include treating all prospects and customer the same, regardless of their individual needs or wants, and holding them personally responsible when sales targets and objectives are not achieved.

Sufferers regularly display paranoia, delusions of self-worth and the need to wear cheap suits and slip on shoes along with excessive aftershave and costume jewellery. Bad breath and chewed fingernails have also been noted in particularly advanced cases.

The condition is debilitating and causes stress and nausea; especially to the people who attempt to buy from these afflicted individuals. Left untreated, individuals become increasingly irritating, smug and self satisfied and in extreme cases have been found haunting social media sites in the vain hope of developing an MLM business...

The misplaced belief that all people are in fact the same person just in disguise means that the Sales Person, does not differentiate their prospects in terms of age, gender, social group, needs or wants – they all get the same manufactured and scripted levels of service regardless of what service or product they actually require.

The condition is particularly prevalent in the USA with the tell-tale “Have a nice day..” vocal pattern being an involuntary symptom of the condition and should serve as an early warning sign that the victim has been infected.

 Further debilitating symptoms of the condition include the following;
  • Use of scripts and monotone voice in a vain attempt to build rapport
  • Single offers of services without any customisation options
  • Lack of eye contact during discussions
  • Deafness and inability to listen to Client requests
  • Forgetfulness when keeping promises or following up
  • Answering questions they would like to have heard, not the ones actually asked
When you come across Sales People with this condition it is a pitiful sight; they tend to huddle together for safety and may hunt in packs. 

Their favourite hunting grounds include Shopping Centres, Airport Lounges and Networking Events, and their preferred prey is anyone with a cheque book and a pulse; they really dont care as in the words of a recent patient;

"Prospects...? They all look the same to me mate...."

There is, however, a cure…

The Fregoli Delusion can be cured; it is a simple multi stage procedure that includes the following non invasive therapy and treatment. The prescription reads as follows;

Attend the Sales Rules OK Workshop once – take action and repeat as necessary

Take one Your Business Rules OK Book and read thoroughly three times

Attend regular Planning Rules OK and Refresher events – at least every 90 Days

This treatment if completed in full is Guaranteed to cure the condition and lead to a dramatic rise in Sales Performance, Cash flow and Profitability, less reliance on cheap suits and development of long term profitable relationships.

So if you know anyone, or happen to meet any Sales Person that you feel is displaying the symptoms of the Fregoli Delusion – I would urge you to refer them to us for clinical assessment and treatment at the earliest opportunity.

You can use my personal email address, all contact will be treated in the strictest confidence –

Results Rules OK – on a mission to improve the Health and Wealth of Sales People everywhere…

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